Robojoy challenge class

5-1-1 Make the line trace robot from "Hajimete-Robot"

Here, I will show you how to take advantage of the robot using a set of home training of "Desk-robot". (Takuya Matsubara)

What "Desk-robot" is

It is called "Desk-robot" is set for home study (home schooling) of "Lego Mindstorms NXT for Education "with Afrel the company has been selling.
Unlike alone to buy Lego Mindstorms NXT for Education, "Desk-robot" is supplied with the text (the textbook) and the NXT software and a dedicated charger. The following types of "Desk-robot" have been released so far.
- "Start Edition (No. 1 - No. 4)"
- "Mission Edition (No. 5 - No. 7)"
- "Robot Sports Edition"
- "Color sensor Edition"
- "Lego Shinkai 6500 Edition"
It is sold as set or text separately. For more detailed product lineup, please refer to web site of

This time I would like to remodel the line trace robot "Hajimete-Robot" made of Mr. Isogawa. "Hajimete-Robot" is a simple robot that appeared in the first part of "Robot Sports edition".
It is thought normally you can assign the light sensor at the tip of the robot to complete, is not so easy in practice. Trial and error is required for everything.

So, I'll try to modify it.
Prepare two "light sensor", connected to the "input port 2" and "input port 3."
Since the input port is occupied by the motor, put the cable to the motor once remove the part. After assembly, the cable will be left as it is.

I want to make two types of line trace robot, "one light sensor version" and "two light sensor version ". At first use only one, just the light sensor attached to the center as shown in the picture.